My Projects
Word Checker
OngoingastrotypescripttailwindcssgodockerpostgrescloudflareWord Checker is a collection of word game tools, word lists, and blog which is primarily aimed at Scrabble players.
Sep 2023astrotypescripttailwindcssmarkdownMy portfolio website (the site you're on now) was built using the Astro framework. It is a place for me to showcase my personal projects and work.
Binary Blitz
Jan 2023reacttypescriptstyled componentsA decimal to binary number guessing game built using React and TypeScript with an Arcade theme.
Password Checker
Apr 2022pythonpytestA command line program for checking password strengths and generating strong passwords written in Python.
Cocktail Club
Feb 2022pythonflaskjavascriptjqueryhtmlcsssqliteA cocktail recipe website built with Flask in the Python programming language using The Cocktail Database's API.